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A Message from L J Fecho, Producing Artistic Director of Genesius Theatre

Hello Friends of Genesius Theatre.

As we find ourselves living through these difficult times, I am reminded of the day when I was just 14 years old and the late Jane Simmon Miller, the co-founder of Genesius, said to me as we watched in horror as our first theater at 711 Penn Street was being pummeled by the wrecking ball, that Genesius was never an address, or a building, but it was, and will always be, a group of resilient and very special talented people. That theater, in general, often referred to as the “fabulous invalid”, does, and always will, exist in many forms and in any place as long as there’s… people.

Way back in 1974, Jane couldn’t have ever imagined that there would be something invisible that could remove all the people, while the building remains vertical… and empty. To me there is nothing sadder than a stage that is not filled with the excitement and love of a live theatrical performance and conversely a set of seats, as old and crusty as they might be, not filled with an audience that’s fully engaged… laughing, crying, cheering… feeling… connecting.

The theater is all about discipline, and this new discipline of not being able to do what we so love to do, is surely a bitter pill to swallow. But, as in every discipline, there are many good things that arise from the challenges offered within that limiting experience. I know this has shown me how much I really love what I do here at Genesius. It has shown me how much I miss all the craziness that goes into what we do 24/7, 365 days of the year. It has made me really appreciate what Jane used to call, “the organized confusion” of the theater, and made me see again, the worth in the work and the glory of all the people who make it happen. And, the glory of presenting it to you, our loyal audience, as you flock to our doors to see it happen.

Jane was so right. Genesius is not a building… it’s PEOPLE! That’s the main ingredient required. I look so forward to the day that we will all come together and celebrate the joy of it again. I promise you that “the little theater that could, and does”, will be back cranking out the sweetest theatrical love we can possibly offer and I have been powerfully reminded that all we really need is YOU… and that YOU becomes US.

Stay safe… stay at home… and we will see you all real soon, once again. And that, Genesius friends, will be a truly joyous day indeed.

L J Fecho
Producing Artistic Director
Genesius Theatre