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Dear Friends, We Need Your Help!

Dear Friends of Genesius Theatre,

We need your help!  While the timing may not be great for a request like this, we find ourselves in a position to make a big ask.

We’ve nursed our roof along for the past few years, but Berks County’s last rain and windstorm dealt us a crushing blow.  Water leaked into the theatre, setting off all kinds of alarms!

And so, it’s time—at one of the worst times ever— to “Raise the Roof”, replace it, and protect one of Reading’s treasured landmarks, Genesius Theatre. Without a solid roof covering this local gem there is so much other equipment and property in jeopardy of being damaged or lost.

We’ve been quoted prices ranging from $40,000 to $60,000 to replace the roof in its entirety and we will continue to work to come up with the most cost-effective solution. Any amount you can give toward that goal is greatly appreciated. Again, we realize the timing is not optimal, but our goal is to have a new roof by the time we are able to open our doors and welcome you to our next production.

You can make a tax-deductible contribution by mail (make checks payable to Genesius Theatre and mail to Genesius Theatre, 153 N. 10th St. Reading, PA  19601 or please visit this page and pay you’re your credit card through PayPal, (basic PayPal fees apply) –

Together we can do this!

With gratitude,
Your Genesius family

P.S. – THE RAISE THE ROOF 2020 $500 CLUB – Just as with the Genesius $500.00 Club Programthat many of you gave so generously to last July, if 80 of you donate $500.00, or more, we would get extremely close to our very necessary goal. Certainly, any amount is welcome and gratefully appreciated, especially during these most challenging times. For your NEW $500 CLUB DONATION – you will receive 2 complimentary tickets to a show of your choice whenever we get back to performing in our theater space! (Please include your email if you are mailing a check.)

P.S., P.S. – Thank You Video – As our way of saying thank you, anyone contributing $25 or more will receive a special thank you video from Genesius.  (Please include your email if you are mailing a check.)