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The Genesius community is saddened and angered by the unthinkable racial violence perpetrated against George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and the many other victims across the country. We stand in support of our brothers and sisters of color and those who are protesting peacefully throughout the country to let their voices be heard. We are committed to publicly standing in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and to the concept that we are all truly created equal.

The arts in general and theatre in particular have long been leaders in the movement of diversity and acceptance of all. At Genesius we are proud to welcome actors, musicians, staff, crew, volunteers, and patrons from all walks of life without regard to color, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, or religion. In the past, we have produced shows which explore the issues of diversity, racism, and social justice and are committed to do as much as we can to continue to fight oppression and promote acceptance through our programming, actions, and words.

In the words of Dr Martin Luther King, “No one is free until we are all free.” This we truly believe. 

The Genesius Board of Directors and The Genesius Theatre Acting Company