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The American Tribal Love Rock Musical… August 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Directed by LJ Fecho & James Haggerty, Music Directed by Kevin Cooper & Choreographed by Jennifer Parker Scott.

OUTDOORS under the Big Top at…

An Outdoor Food Truck Eatery
Willow Glen Park
94 Park Ave. Sinking Spring, PA.
(On the grounds of SHOCKTOBERFEST)

Truck N Brew is only available on
Friday & Saturday Performances on August 6 & 7

Open from 5 PM to before show time, and eat, drink & be merry!!!

 All Performances – Doors Open for Show Seating at 6:45 PM
& Show Time – 7:30 PM

On Thursday, Sunday & Monday, August 5, 8, 9, there is only Genesius Concessions (No Truck N Brew)